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32 avenue Joseph Pineau 85330 NOIRMOUTIER



Legal information

Legal information :
The website is published by :
SARL TERRE MARINE, registered at the RCS of La Roche sur Yon under the number B 438 179 236
Legal status : SARL
Share capital : 8 000
Headquarters : 32 Avenue Joseph Pineau 85 330 NOIRMOUTIER EN L'ILE
Siret : 438 179 236 000 15    APE: 5510Z
Publication manager : Mrs. FREUDIGER Laetitia
Telephone : +33 (0)2 51 39 11 77
E-mail :

Website designed, updated and hosted by E-COMOUEST

The editor undertakes to respect all the laws regarding the design and hosting of an internet website.

Technical information :
We remind you that the secrecy policy cannot be guaranteed on the internet network and that it is up to the website user to ensure that he takes all the necessary measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination in the event of a virus on the internet.

Editorial charter : 
The website is a site presenting services offered by SARL TERRE MARINE. It is completed by simulation tools. The information contained within this site is made available purely for information purposes.
Address: 32 Avenue Joseph Pineau 85 330 NOIRMOUTIER EN L'ILE
Tel:  +33 (0)2 51 39 11 77

Mediator in the event of disputes:

After contacting the after-sales service and in the absence of a satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer can contact the tourism and travel mediator free of charge, whose contact details and the terms and conditions are available on this site:

Protection of personal data

The personal information we collect from the "contact us" page as well as when you complete a booking form is intended to better respond to your inquiry and is necessary in order to complete the contract. These are handled by HOTEL AUTRE MER or its commercial partners involved in managing bookings or providing related services including online booking platforms, processing and tracking booking contracts (pre-reservation, communication of information, invoicing, payments) as well as customer service aftercare (complaints handling, marketing, promotions, sales statistics and customer satisfaction surveys).

In accordance with French data protection law ( loi informatique et liberté n°78-17) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the customer has the right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data collected from this site at any time.

To exercise your right, please write to the site administrator at the following address:

Hôtel Autre Mer - 32 Avenue Joseph Pineau 85 330 NOIRMOUTIER EN L'ILE

For further information, we recommend that you visit the Personal data protection page on our website.

Copyright : 
Any reproduction or depiction of all or a part of the pages, data and any other part of the website, by whatever means and in whatever form, is prohibited and will be considered as an offence for which the offender will be held legally and criminally responsible.

Author :
This website was designed and created by ECOMOUEST, all rights reserved : SARL ECOMOUEST - SARL with a capital of 25.249 €uros - SIRET : 43151611100041
RCS. Vannes B 431 516 111
Address : Parc Tertiaire de Laroiseau - 67 rue Anita Conti - 56000 Vannes | FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)2 97 62 04 62 - Fax : +33 (0)2 97 63 30 85
Email : - Website :

Photographic credits ©
Fotolia and/or E-comouest


Official website  70

Other websites 85